Running with a hip implant may be possible
If you’ve recently undergone hip replacement surgery or are about to then you’ve probably been warned by your specialist that running may damage the implant. Don’t lose heart, you may be able to run armed with the right knowledge and attitude. The journey from your hospital bed to running will not be easy but set your goals and make start.Hip replacement? Don't despair
In the following posts you'll create a plan to give you the best chance of running again. You’ll learn the best way to run without destructive impact and what you can do before and after your hip replacement surgery to speed a return to running.Many of us have been in your shoes and felt the disappointment of being told we’d never run again. As an avid runner I spent many years trail running until arthritis ground me to a halt. Eventually I struggled even to walk around the house without the sharp stabbing hip pain you’re probably familiar with.
A 10 step plan to running again after a hip replacement
After hip replacement surgery I was determined to run again if at all possible, without damaging my implant. I adapted my ultra-distance trail-running running style, am running again without pain and thought it would be good to share my experience.In my next post I'll talk about developing a plan to run after hip surgery that I developed as I learned to run safely with a hip replacement. Your 10 steps may look different to mine but lets make plans.