Hip replacement recovery is not a sprint
You'll hate me saying this but edging forwards carefully is better than running too soon and damaging all chance of success. There is no guarantee that your plan will succeed and you may find yourself revising your goals during your recuperation or at least revising your time-frames.Hip replacement YES - Running replacement NO
As a runner, a hip replacement can have a huge impact on your life and other hippie runners know what you are going through.
If you are the same then the sense of empowerment you’ll experience as you regain what you thought you had lost will be immense. Of course you need to pull this off without damaging your implant or things will be much worse. So tread with care. Literally.
Running after hip surgery: Things to consider
There are a few things you’ll need to think about that will have some influence on whether your return to running after hip surgery will be successful or not. For example:- Your weight - has inactivity filled you out?
- Your running style - a low-impact running style is crucial to running safely on your new hip.