After hip resurfacing I am rediscovering the joys of trail running in New Zealand.

You may still be able to run with a hip replacement using an appropriate running technique and with the right approach.

Mobile again

Taking your hip for a spin

Not long after surgery, you’ll be able to try out your brand new hip. Mark your first short walk around the hospital room in your running diary. It won’t be long before you are tackling a really long walk - all the way to the hospital hallway!

Crutches for speed training

You might be using a walker or if you are lucky advance straight onto crutches. You’ll be given tips on how to use crutches so you don’t do any damage – to your hip I mean, not the hospital. If you’ve practiced before-hand you’ll be awesome.

Tinhip tip: Do not kneel or get down on the floor. Trying to get up again puts pressure on the hip and can cause it to flex beyond 90 degrees. It might take you up to 3 months before you can do this safely.